Sticking With It

We often begin the New Year with goals for self-improvement and new directions. However, many of our resolutions and best intentions begin to fall by the wayside. As much as 80% of our resolutions don't make it to February!

If you have a musical goal this year, here are a few ways to stick with it!

1. Take it one day at a time.

Little bits of regular practice - just 10 or 20 minutes a day - add up to big gains! Attach your little sessions to another part of your daily routine, like coffee, dinner, or Netflix, allowing it to fold into your life. 10 - 20 minutes and you're done!

2. Create a path of least resistance.

Try the "20 Second Rule"! Harvard researcher Shawn Achor found himself FINALLY playing his guitar after he removed about 20 seconds worth of effort. He bought a $2 stand, pulled the guitar out of the closet, and placed it within reach. Suddenly, he was practicing every day. By eliminating hassle, tasks, and hurdles in between us and the music, we forge a path of least resistance to our goals!

3. Connect with others!

Studies show that our performance gets a boost when we hang out with high-achievers. Ask those ahead of you how they got there! We also improve when WE COACH others. Find someone else with a similar goal and stay in touch! We reinforce our own effective habits when we carefully review and share them with others.

4. Find Your Focus.

Focus helps us keep our resolutions, long-term. Get granular with your goals! Plot out a timeline for learning specific skills and songs. Break down the songs into segments to work on. Then, what will you do with your first song - record and share? play for family? save in your repertoire for a mini concert later? Having a CLEAR FOCUS helps us to stick with it!

5. Be flexible and forgiving.

Finally, while new habits require focus and time, they should not be punishing. To stick with your music resolution, don't allow bumps in the road to defeat you! Forgive the occasional shortened session or lapse in memory - and make it fun! Bundle your practice sessions with little rewards, like a special beverage, a favorite candle, or a treat you can only have after practice - to help them stick!